Toys for Joys.

This was Aria’s project for St. Nick’s Day when we sorted her toys to give away. It took me an hour of explaining and crying from her before she finally gave up her old, non-battery operated, and educational toys. She understood that other kids who do not have toys will be happily playing with them, thus she named the project as such.

I actually planned to turn them over to Jollibee, but did not have time to bring them yet. I had two bagfuls, and I might do another round of spring cleaning including books.

We did our weekly grocery this afternoon, and we rode the tricycle. It was not just us and the driver, but three other kids suddenly jumped to sit on the driver’s seat.

The driver, an old fellow who seemed to be working hard to earn them a living, seated the two girls in front of him, the little boy behind him.

I could not offer the seats inside the sidecar, as I had Aria and the groceries. Besides, it seemed as if they are used to sitting on what seemed a hazardous place. No seatbelts, no helmets. Imagine my horror. And there were three kids there!

One kid held a toy boat, an old and dirty one, which Aria took notice of quickly. They passed the toy boat to each other, and then I thought they might be the best beneficiaries to our simple project.

While in transit, I called my aunt who was at our condo to bring down the bag of toys we sorted. Then I decided which ones they can already play with.

They were surprised with the toys I gave! The boy, who was the oldest among them, said Thank You in a soft and shy tone. I reminded them all to share the toys with each other and not fight over them.

Aria was quite happy with what we did. She kept on repeating “Toys for Joys!”

Yes, honey, they thank you for sharing your toys with them.

~ Touringkitty


Want to help us make this project bigger? Let’s talk! Email touringkitty(at)gmail(dot)com

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