Want to know the stories behind the music?
We heard their mellifluous music for five decades. Now it’s time to just read, be inspired, and learn through their words.
This is the first book that will be published in the 50 years of the Madz‘ existence. Sometime in 2001, a book called a Life Shaped by Music was written by Marjorie Evasco, but it mainly is a biographical sketch of Prof. Andrea O. Veneracion, who dedicated most of her life to developing her “other” family, the Madz.
MADZ: Almost everything about the Philippine Madrigal Singers is a collection of firsthand accounts from the singers themselves. It also includes probably the whole anatomy of the group–from its roots to its wings, from the history to the “golden harvest” called the Madz et al. One of the alumnus, Alfred John de Veyra, put our stories together in this milestone book every choir should have.
The book will be launched this weekend during the Madz concert entitled Aurum. December 14 (8:00 PM) and 15 (5:00 PM) at the CCP Main Theater. The current members and alumni, along with the Madz et al choirs plus other guests will be part of it. I will sing there, as well as my Shrine of Jesus Children’s Choir. Hope to see you there!
~ Touringkitty