Last Christmas, my husband received a large paper canister of Quaker Oats. Not knowing what to do with it (because he doesn’t eat oatmeal that much and I avoided it due to baby reflux), I waited for the perfect time and opportunity to use it.
Hence, Oatmeal Cookies!
BUT I don’t have an oven, I got oven toaster, though.
So last weekend, I researched and found this link of an oven toaster oatmeal cookie recipe.
My husband and I were struggling to put the sleepy baby to sleep. With her hearing us move around the kitchen, she had a hard time getting those zzzzs. I tried to give her food, breastfeed her, rock her, to no avail. Eventually she did, on her daddy’s chest. So we took turns in preparing the batter. He was my Sous Chef, and I was the Sous-sous Chef!
I made a second batch this week in celebration of my daughter’s ninth month. My sister didn’t like cinnamon so I made a separate batch for her. I used choc-nut instead of cinnamon. I also experimented with local chocolate candy pieces (they have a new variety: Caramel Cookie).
This batch is surprisingly yummier because I lessened the sugar and used margarine instead of butter, and added more oatmeal!
My daughter enjoyed some of these treats as well. I baked it anyway, no preservatives added.
To my surprise, my milk supply increased! I usually hand express when I’m at home for the baby to get used drinking milk from a cup. After eating about two cookies upon waking up, I can express more than an ounce than the usual! I’ve been wanting to try mixing malunggay powder or just my malunggay supplement, Pro-Lacta to the cookie mix. Should try that one of these days.
Want some? 🙂
~ Touringkitty