If it were not for my parents’ diligence in bringing us to dental appointments and cleaning regularly, my sister and I would probably have a bad set of teeth.
And so we do this now to our daughter, who, not like me, didn’t like brushing as a little girl.
But when the tooth fairy teeth started to take her milk teeth away (a few months after she weaned from breastfeeding), our daughter became more mindful with taking care of her teeth.
It was hard back then to look for toothbrushes that would suit my daughter’s small mouth and teeth, and we’re glad to find Colgate Minions tooth brush and tooth paste!
Let’s say it together: squeeze, brush, rinse!
We used to have sooooo many tactics in order to have our daughter get toothbrushed. Tandem brushing (she brushes my teeth while I brush hers), Daddy and Mommy tag team to brush the squirmy baby, name it, and we did it. Plus, because of her rather small mouth, we had to look for a brush that would fit her mouth.
When she turned five, we started using Colgate Minions toothbrush and we’ve been using it for a couple of years already.
Cute in blue and yellow.
Touringkittyps Top three tips on how to take care of your teeth:
Drink water after eating. If possible, gargle immediately. So that no dirt will remain in mouth.
Avoid dark-coloured drinks (cola, coffee, tea) that may lead to early discoloration of teeth.
Brush every after a full meal. Do not eat after brushing.
As the new and permanent teeth kicks in, our daughter is very mindful of tooth brush time, and how thoroughly her teeth are being brushed. Glad there’s Colgate Minions tooth brush (that comes in twin packs) to help us maintain her pearly whites.
Ever since I gave birth, we made it a point to spent New Year’s Eve and Day out of home. For some, it is not good luck since there is a saying that all doors and windows should be kept open to welcome the New Year, but for us, they’re all closed.
Why so? For one, we avoid the smoke, noise, and whathaveyous amidst the celebration. What’s even worse is the first day of the year itself, where all garbage and smog remain for quite a while. Also, we wanted to sleep in late as much as possible. Lastly, we’d have less stuff to pack away, since we’re going to leave the hotel by lunchtime anyway.
So, whether you are in the city, perhaps in the province, here are tips on what you should be bringing in, as you welcome in another year:
1. If you are fascinated with fireworks, the Capital city has it. Choose a rooftop in Makati Hotels and witness the magnificent fireworks around Makati, BGC in Taguig, Paranaque, among others, sometimes even as far as nearby provinces like Rizal or Laguna.
2. Bring a can with coins for your noisemaker. We brought an old tin can of what used to be butter cookies and placed some coins on it, to the delight of our small one.
3. Keep that cellphone charged while waiting for midnight. You won’t want to miss the events that are happening.
4. A notebook and pen can document what photos and videos cannot. You may start doodling your plans for the next days or months while having breakfast or waiting to check out.
5. Pray. Group hug. Shout Happy New Year together! Give each of your family members or loved ones a pat on the back for another year that has passed.
So, here’s our small greeting from our small family. Enjoy, and until the next Holiday Season!
…do as the Europeans do! But of course, be mindful of yourself and your belongings.
So, for this edition of Touringkittyps, here are five important things you should be doing when in Europe.
Always bring your passports. Especially that you are not within the jurisdiction of your own country, it’s best to have your passports with you wherever you go.
Know your train or bus number and stop. They come in almost the same names, like in Italy, Venezia is not the same as Venezia S. Marco and Venezia Mestre. So read, listen, and be alert! Likewise, trains or undergrounds have a PA system, so make sure you know your stop and listen to the announcement in order not to miss it.
Wien Hauptbahnhof = Vienna Central Train Station.
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Almost every tourist spot can be visited by foot, so expect a lot of walking. Watch out for cobblestones, so best to wear flats or sandals than heels or stilletos. Keep your clothes light, but always bring a hooded jacket, you’ll never know when it will be cold or raining.
Flats and sandals are the way to go.
Learn a few helpful phrases in each country. There may be instances that the locals will not converse in English, so better know how to greet Good morning/afternoon/evening, Please, Thank you, How much is this (especially when shopping for souvenirs).
Speaking of souvenirs, buy one thing that would remind you of the city/country you visited. In my case, magnets or a shirt or whatever local produce they have, like food. I also make it a point to eat local food as much as I can. So even when I would want to save and opt for McDonald’s (which is also expensive, by the way), I try to look for local food. Gelato in Venezia, Steltze in Vienna, and more.
Gelato. The real deal.
Sent a postcard to your home. This I forgot to do during last year’s trip, but sending postcards back home is a good souvenir as well.
Take lots of photos and videos. I also take notes at the end of the day, so as not to forget what I visited. I use Google Photos to save photos online and free up phone memory space to take even more photos.
I take photos everywhere, even in the toilet. This in Vienna, Austria, called the Opera Toilet complete with Arias playing.
Ready for the Euro trip? Buon Viaggio! Gute Flug! Happy trip.
Real talk. I am not that keen in celebrating Halloween, even now that I have a kid. Besides, isn’t it that Halloween celebrations here in the country started just in the past decade?
As kids, our Halloween–make that All Souls Day– celebrations include the traditional viewing of a special “Magandang Gabi Bayan” episode on a Saturday night, either in our home or on one of our cousins or friends in the same compound. We’d scare each other out with the stories in the show, or literally playing “mumu,” or ghosts complete with blankets as makeshift costumes and flashlights as props. We’re happy crazy with that.
And now, so many Halloween events have sprouted, and even establishments are garbed up in orange/black Halloween fashion. Let’s celebrate it, with meaning and purpose! Here are three unique and meaningful events where you can take your children to.
1. Celebrate with orchestral music
Our favourite orchestra, the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra with its conductor, Maestro Olivier Ochanine, will have a special performance with…volcanoes?! “Tricks and Musical Treats, A PPO Family Concert” will feature a musical storytelling of Flowanda, the explorer of the land of Volcano Milava at the Cultural Center of the Philippines on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at the Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo (CCP Main Theater) at 4:00 PM. There will be pre-concert activities starting at 2:30 PM which include a musical instruments petting zoo wherein children can experience playing different orchestral instruments assisted by the members of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra. There will also be trick or treat and lobby activities. The children are encouraged to come in their costumes.
This is a good way to introduce orchestral music to our children, and children at heart. Not only that, watching this concert also shows your support for our local artists, music, culture and arts.
For more information, please call the CCP Marketing Department at 832-3704 or Ticketworld at 891-9999.
2. Celebrate with saints
Halloween is the eve of All Saints, which is the first day of Allhallowtide, the third day being All Souls’ Day (November 2nd). In the previous years, we get to celebrate this with a homeschooling group, called Rockers Philippines. Last year, Aria came in as St. Cecilia, patroness of musicians.
Aria as St. Cecilia. With some of the Rockers Kids at St. Rita de Cascia church in Philam Homes.
Christ the King Parish in Greenmeadows will have their Kingdom of Heaven Fair on October 31. Visit their Facebook page for more details.
3. Celebrate as a superhero
Trick or treat for a cause! UNICEF is calling on all superheroes to raise funds for children in need. Visit any Toy Kingdom branch to get your Trick or treat kit, or UNICEF Philippines website for details.
Take your pick, or do all three! And celebrate a unique and meaningful Halloween with your family.
Looking for more activities? While it might seem dangerous skating is a great activity for kids, check out Skate Hq’s “kids hockey gear” to learn more.
Cooking at home takes up most of my mornings (or evenings). I usually spend 95% of my kitchen time in preparing the food, then 5% goes to the actual eating.
But with my often busy schedule, I would rather rely on eating out, taking home food, or food delivery. Less effort, but often with more cost.
What to do, then?
Chopped up veggies are my best friend nowadays. No more tedious cutting, just open the pack and voila, your ingredients are ready!
My kitchen buddy, all chopped up!
And here’s a recipe my daughter and I love the most. No cutting or measuring needed. Just DUMP-IT-ALL!
1 250g pack Pasta Spirals (you may also use Penne, Macaroni, or Vegeroni for added colour)
1 small can Tuna in Light Oil, drained
1 can Jolly Mushroom Pieces and Stems
Half bar of cheese slices (the more, the cheesier!)
Olive oil
Salt to taste
1. Cook pasta according to directions. Drain.
2. In the same pot, add some olive oil. Then dump all the ingredients together!
3. Mix, mix, mix. Cook for about 5 minutes. Then…
Voila! Dump-it-all Tuna Mushroom Pasta. Done in less than 20 minutes!
This has proven to be a no-fail recipe for my daughter. She loves this dish and I like it too because it is a complete meal in itself–carbs, veggies, and protein all in one bowl.
How about you, how do you #makeitjolly in your kitchen?
And that’s my ONLY bag now. For any outfit regardless of colour, any occasion, any…anything!
During my college days, I have a collection of bags. Not that much, but enough to switch for any occasion. Now that I’m a mom, I want just one bag for everything, so that I don’t have to switch bags and end up leaving stuff behind. I look for these specific qualities of a bag:
1. Spacious yet not too big. So I could dump in everything–make up kit, personal kit, even change of clothes for the little one.
2. Sturdy. One which can stand by itself.
3. Straps, lots of it. The bag I have now I can sling on my body and on my shoulders. They should be sturdy too.
I even hook carabiners onto straps which I use to hook grocery bags or water bottle.
4. Storage slots or pockets in and outside for easy access.
5. Spill proof. Against rain and water spills.
About time to search for a new one, with a more neutral color. I always pass by Celine boutiques and been wanting to check their items.
Good thing there’s online shopping! CLN handbags are available online at ZALORA Philippines.
What do you look for in buying your bags?
The Catholic Faithful are counting only a couple of days for Pope Francis’ visit to the Philippines! And as of this writing, he had arrived in Sri Lanka where, among other things, His Holiness will canonize an Indian saint.
How do we prepare ourselves for his visit? Here’s all we need to know in one go:
THE LITURGY for the Mass at Quirino Grandstand: Download here. The copy of the liturgy was produced by Bayard Presse, an international publishing company sponsored by the Augustinians of the Assumption (Assumptionists). Since limited printed copies are made available, the faithful are encouraged to download or print this copy for their use during the January 18 Concluding Mass of the Pope.
Is it coincidence that a Francisco composed this music for the good Pope Francis? Maybe it’s Divine Intervention, who knows!
REMINDERS, REMINDERS, REMINDERS! Someone said to me that the cure for forgetfulness is a gentle reminder. Archbishop of Manila, Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, gives out several reminders for those who will take part in welcoming the People’s Pope, whether as volunteer, part of the liturgy, greeter, expectator. Watch the reminders for the Papal Visit here.
THE VISIT’S THEME SONG. Filipinos are well known for creating theme songs for everything. Since Filipinos are a very musical culture, it is but fitting that a song would forever remind us of Pope Francis’ visit. We are all God’s Children was created with that in mind, in which lyrics remind us why the Pope so wanted to visit our country–to bring the message of mercy and compassion, especially the victims of the typhoon two years ago, one of the highlights of his visit. Learn the song and hand actions in the video.
If we can recall, 20 years ago already, Tell the World of His Love still rings a bell, or a tune in our heads, in memory of Saint John Paul II’s (then Pope John Paul II) visit to Manila for the World Youth Day celebration.
Now we’re ready, we’re set, then let’s go welcome the Pope on Thursday! Whether you’re setting foot to where he is or not, check out the tips here so you could better prepare yourselves physically and spiritually (and musically!) for this rare event. If anything, I am just touched that the popes remember to visit our country. That’s why I look forward to his visit, and hopefully, get a glimpse of him in person, far or near.
Music in indeed the universal language. And the Philippines is very blessed to have a musical culture, especially a choral-singing culture where there are just so many choral groups already–in the churches, in schools, in offices, both private and public, and in communities. Our choral groups are among the most known in the world. They share God’s gift of music to different parts of the world, participating in choral festivals and winning international competitions. Our choral directors are sought-after clinicians and adjudicators both locally and internationally. Even our own choral music is popular, and our composers are commissioned by other world-renowned choral groups to create new music for them.
And what better way to celebrate choral music than through this annual event called World Choral Day.
World Choral Day this year will be celebrated on December 7th.
The International Day of Choral Singing is an international choral event to extol the values of solidarity, peace and understanding. This is an initiative of respected conductor and composer, Alberto Grau from Venezuela, which started in 1990.
So, whether you are a chorister, a choral aficionado, or someone who likes music, here are five ways to celebrate this chorally wonderful day:
1. Pop in any choral music CD to start up your day. Or go to the internet and get to know a new choir through their video performances. Or hear Mass, and you’ll surely be blessed and delighted to hear church music sung, most probably by choirs.
The PCDA will have its own World Choral Day celebration on December 7th in Cavite.
PCDA celebrates World Choral Day!
3. If you a choral director or chorister and you will have a choral concert anytime this month, register your event as part of the World Choral Day. Visit http://www.worldchoralday.org/events/subscription and be part of the celebrations. Oh, and make sure to include Original Pilipino Music in your repertoire!
For the choral groups having a concert this month, please read the Proclamation written for the World Choral Day. This is always read during the choral concert. Ideally, the audience should have a copy so they could read along. The Proclamation has been translated to 14 languages, and aims to foster world peace and understanding through choral singing. Click this link for the Filipino and Cebuano translations which you can use for your concert. Other languages can be found here.
Here is the reading of the Proclamation in Filipino read three years ago as led by Mr. Ryan Cayabyab, in a Thousand-Voice Concert he spearheaded. The translation was written by PCDA Secretary Joy Nilo.
4. Support our local choral artists by booking a choral group for your next event purchasing original CDs, watching their concerts or sponsoring their fundraising projects, which helps a lot in bringing their music to more audiences.
If you’re a choral director, you should start building your own library of choral works. You can purchase choral compositions and arrangements of our Filipino composers/arrangers or commission them for new works.
5. If you haven’t yet, sing in a choir now! No less than Philippine Madrigal Singers Choirmaster Mark Carpio encourages us to do so in his TedXDiliman talk:
Do you have more ideas? Share with everyone in the comments section.
Who says giving Christmas gifts are only for the young ones?
The Mind Museum gives us 10 gift suggestions this Yuletide season. You might think these gifts are only for science geeks, but with their wide array of museum activities and products from the Mind Museum Store, there’s definitely one for everyone.
1. The Scientific Date: How about a date in an artsy but science-themed gallery, or stargazing in cozy couches in a custom-made planetarium? Surprise your loved ones and the young ones with All Day Passes or gift certificates to The Mind Museum! With over 250 hands-on, minds-on exhibits and live experiment demonstrations that unveil the remarkable science behind living and non-living things, a date or two in The Mind Museum is definitely a unique and exciting way to spend time together this Yuletide season. (The Mind Museum tickets all day passes is sold for only Php750/php)
Back when we were dating, my husband and I love to visit museums, and now our daughter loves museum visits, too! Always a great date day for the three of us.
A visit in their outdoor park, Science in the Park during the middle of this year. Aria and Dad trying out the giant bubbles.
2. Name the Stars after Your Loved Ones: Do you know that you can literally leave your mark in The Mind Museum by naming one of their virtual exhibits? You can leave your names or your loved ones’ on digital exhibits found in the different galleries in the Museum, through a fixed donation that come with e-certificates. Imagine the delight of seeing your family’s name imprinted on the virtual stars that make up a constellation, or name a specific kind of dinosaur that inhabits a virtual era in history. What’s more heart-warming is that all proceeds for this program go to supporting the institutions’ project of giving free museum visits to public school kids. (Virtual exhibits’ price ranges from Php1,000 to Php5,000, depending on your choice of show. For more information, visit http://exhibits.themindmuseum.org.)
It might be interesting to have a star named after my daughter, Ariadne!
3. The Key to Endless Discovery: A year-round, all-day admission to the first world-class science museum in the country—how does that sound? Interactive exhibits, a thoughtfully designed planetarium, meticulously laid-out 3D shows, and exciting science demonstrations await your lucky gift recipient. The Mind Museum’s Unlimited Science Pass also gives free admission to over 300 worldwide science museums, discounts on travelling exhibition tickets, birthday packages, and purchases inside The Mind Museum Store. And because the institution always interlinks its efforts with expanding the knowledge of today’s generation, this unli-pass directly supports free museum passes for underprivileged kids. (For a group of four or more, avail the Unlimited Science Pass for only Php2,250/pax. Visit https://www.themindmuseum.org/science-alive/63/membership-program for more information)
4. All for Science, All for Love: To celebrate the holidays in a different, more meaningful way, why not sponsor a trip for public school kids this Christmas? You can even ask your family or friends to join you in spearheading this project to further enrich the sense of wonder of these young ones. Don’t worry, The Mind Museum’s doors are open to plan and accomplish this advocacy of embracing and sharing the true spirit of the season. (To inquire about this project, please send your email to inquiry@themindmuseum.org.)
Don’t forget to give! It’s nice to receive but definitely much nicer to give.
Want more? Here’s what’s in store at The Mind Museum Store.
The Cultural Center of the Philippines Arts Education Department (where I used to work) back in 2012 in one of our exposure trips. The Mind Museum Store behind us.
5. If these shirts could talk: Let your friends “wear their wit” with these design shirts that are exclusively available in The Mind Museum Store! These shirts come in different colors and are tastefully designed with vibrant graphics and statements that will truly make science a cool fashion statement of choice this holiday season. (Prices range from Php379.75 to Php499.75)
My Mensan husband would looove these!
6. Of Puzzles, Papers, and Pencils: Instead of those tired old notebooks or planners, try giving the young ones (or even your family and friends) these funky Human Anatomy Notebook and Science Alphabet Notebook! They’re, indeed, a safe space for random thoughts, important lists, or mind babbles. Here’s a tip: pair these notebooks with Puzzle Color Pencils and let its colorful tips become their wand to create their DIY-diary. (Human Anatomy Notebook and Science Alphabet Notebook are sold for only Php379.75, while Puzzle Color Pencils set is sold for only Php649.75.)
Love scribbling? Get these cool notebooks to unleash the science geek in you.
7. Own the Universe: While these kids are taking baby steps towards their dreams, you can show them the momentary short-cut in seizing the universe, literally, through the Star Planetarium! Projecting 3D stars, planets, and constellations, this amazing contraption also includes 3D glasses for a more mesmerizing virtual representation of what’s above and beyond the world we’re living in. (The Star Planetarium set is sold for only Php2,579.75.)
My daughter has a fascination with all things in the sky, so this will be a great gift to her. Calling Ninongs and Ninangs!
8. Unearthing the Dinos: Be a paleontologist and travel back to the era of dinosaurs with the special edition of Dino Excavation Kit. Dig for the bones hidden in the gypsum block, assemble them and enjoy your very own miniature dinosaur skeleton replica. Top it off by learning more about the fossils you have just uncovered. (The entire Dino Excavation Kit is sold for Php2,699.75.)
We love playing treasure hunt at home, so this will be a good introduction to fossils and dinosaurs. So far, the big purple one only does the trick.
9. Tricks and Treats: Put a little ease and fun in teaching kids using playing cards that are exclusively sold at The Mind Museum store. You can either get What’s GNU?—a 3-letter learning game deck or go for a game of speed and visual tricks with Hyperswipe! Grab these cards now, be the learning and game master at the same time, and let the enlivening game itself, too, serve as an added gift to these kids! (What’s GNU deck costs Php9,49.75 while the Hyperswipe set costs Php1,349.75.)
Family day will surely be more fun with these board games.
10. Build Your Own, Learn on Your Own: Teach your young ones the basics of gardening, without having to worry about landscaping your backyard, with these innovative plant miniatures! You can either let them grow the Sweet Leaf, which grows leaves that be used as a natural substitute for sugar; the Mini-Melons that will actually produce sweet mini cantaloupes in less than 2 months; or get really out-of-this-word with the Curious George Outer Space Adventure Garden that will even allow them to experiment right in their mini pots! (Sweet leaf and Mini-melons cost Pho829.75 each while the Curious George Outer Space Adventure Garden is sold for Php1,229.75.)
Start small and green! Let kids enjoy plant miniatures right in your own home.
Whether you’re giving or you’re the one wishing, The Mind Museum caters to your needs. Happy shopping, and beat the holiday rush by doing it this early.
Visit The Mind Museum at the 3rd Avenue of Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. Check their website for ticket prices and schedules.
Travelling with your tot? Here are five things that never leave my bag.
First, what bag should you use? I have a big and lightweight bag where I can put both my kid’s and my stuff for the day.
Generic bag from the store that’s got it all for you. Less than P500. Waterproof because it’s plastic.
I also have a nylon bag, a wee bit smaller but spacious. Waterproof as well.
Wonder what’s inside?
One of my current favourite things, the carabiner.
Carabin-what? A carabiner is a quick snapping metal hook. This is often used as keychain as you can easily hook it on your belt…slots? It’s called “sinturera” in Filipino but I don’t know its English equivalent! I hook these on my bag’s metal loop. Much useful when I do the grocery alone with my child. Saves my hands from carrying all those bags in each of your fingers; you can just clip all at once and go.
Quench your thirst easily, anytime, anywhere.
This water bottle I always hook on my carabiner on my bag. Much, much easy to carry water for the little one. Choose one which is easy to clean as well.
Tissue and hand sanitizers do the trick always for me. The all-natural hand sanitizer I got from Mommy Patch called Little Contessa. Spritz onto your child’s hands and to toys, furniture, high chairs, before use. I often save tissue I get from restaurants or fast food chains for unexpected use.
Ring sling saves my back from further injury when carrying my big day bag and my preschooler, sometimes a couple of grocery bags. I got two ring slings from Next9 which I bought in a department store.
Eco-bags are such a great hit nowadays, especially that some cities are going eco-friendly by eliminating plastic. Often, when we buy stuff, they will be packed in huge brown bags without handles. So, ecobags definitely saves my day!