As parents, healthcare is one of our top considerations when it comes to searching for quality yet affordable providers.
A new network of health care facilities in the country was introduced to mom bloggers a couple of weeks ago. Qualimed is set to fulfill the three As–Accessibility, Affordability, and Appropriateness–as they give the best service to its clients.
Qualimed has accessible locations all over the country. We visited one of their facilities inside the PGH compound.

First order of the day was a tour of the facility:

Their main service is providing quality primary care, but they have flagships in each of their facilities. In this case, the Manila branch’s flagship is their Surgery Center. The one opening in Iloilo will be a women and children’s center.
Here are some more facilities in the Manila branch:

Dr. Edwin Mercado of Mercado General Hospital, talked about their partnership with the Ayala Land, Inc. Together, they will provide Qualimed facilities in the next five years in strategic locations all over the Philippines.

Aside from low prices, Qualimed is also accredited by most HMOs, a good news for employees.

With regard to the quality of service, Qualimed assures us that they have competent physicians, specialists, and nurses trained to provide appropriate prescriptions and sound medical advise to their patients.
Put them all together, and you will get quality healthcare service for you and your family.
Visit Qualimed facilities now and experience Alagang Abot-Kaya.
Operational Branches:
Daniel O. Mercado Medical Center (Tanauan, Batangas)
QualiMed Manila (Taft Avenue, Manila)
QualiMed Clinic in TriNoma (North Avenue, Quezon City)
Future locations:
QualiMed Clinic in Fairview Terraces in Novaliches, Quezon City (opening in 3Q 2014)
QualiMed Hospital in Iloilo (opening in 3Q 2014)
QualiMed Hospital in Sta. Rosa, Laguna (opening in 4Q 2015)
QualiMed Hospital in San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan (opening in 4Q 2015)
You may also visit their website or Facebook.
~ Touringkitty