Let us welcome 2018 on the blog with love, love, love!
It was a heavy January (let us save this for later), but February is sure heartwarming. HeARTS month it is!
So, here’s a little story about our engagement 11 years ago.
“Lord, a smart guy will do. Kahit hindi gwapo.”
He gave me a #Mensan, a high IQ guy. The good looks came as a welcome bonus.

October 2007 when he asked me if I was ready to take our relationship to the next level. I said yes. Nothing fancy schmancy. But I was in for a surprise.
December 2007, Ton and I visited MV Doulos, the oldest passenger ship and now a floating bookstore. I was clueless of his “paandar”–a cookbook with a paper on page 143 which says “Will you marry me?” Then on bended knee, he showed a small box with the engagement ring. We were alone in that area–the cookbook area–and it was a perfect moment for just the two of us.
We celebrate ten years of our marriage in November this year. As a post-Valentines date (never on Valentines Day), Ton and I visited the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale. Reminisced the engagement scene (took photos at the cookbook section) and shopped for books (yet again, since he and our daughter “dated” here already a few days ago).

I am happy to be married to Ton. I know that we are together come hell or high water. And we will overcome many more, as long as we are together, and with God as our Center.
Happy belated Valentines Day, Mein Schatz!
Without Wax,
Deine Schatzi Em =)