When I attended a meeting at church and another church volunteer asked me where I came from, I said I fetched my daughter (who was with my husband) from her class.
Did she hear it right, class?
Yes, indeed! Aria’s “enrolled” in Gymboree’s Music Class!
We got a good deal from Deal Grocer. For about P4,000 we got one year membership, ten play coupons, and eight play or music classes. Not bad, considering how high fees are in Gymboree.
We signed her up in Greenbelt 5. Supposedly, we’ll sign up on Sofitel, because it’s the nearest. But we opted for a mall branch instead.
She had two music classes so far, and we can say she really enjoyed. The first class she attended she was with Daddy while I was at work teaching a music workshop in a school. Daddy reported that though she enjoyed the whole class, the little one cried when the maraccas was taken away from her after an activity. During day two, no more tears, and she was very active, smiling her newfound grin, tapping (no, make that banging!) the wave drum, and dancing to I’m all shook up by Elvis Presley (as it was the theme of the week).
Too much kwento. Just lookit these pretty pictures!

After her class, she still had the energy so we let her play a little.

Three more music classes and three play classes for you, dearie. We know you enjoy it as much as we do (but we’d really want you to finally learn to walk alone, maybe we’ll get even more tired!).
~ Touringkitty