Excitement, trepidation, humbled. These three feelings rule over me right now, maybe until after all of this is done.
Who would have thought that I would be part of this?

BUT, before that, is her much-awaited one-night only Manila concert, which I hope you could all watch, too.
Now, on to the lowdown of how and why I felt this way, and how this whole experience will impact my career.
When I got the news of Nelly Miricioiu’s arrival in Manila sometime last year, it got me so excited, as I know another great international soprano is singing in Manila. I felt the same way when Sumi Jo had her one-night concert early last year. Back then, I didn’t even know if there will be a masterclass or none, though I was really wishing there will be, and said to myself that I will try to join just in case there will be a call for one. I was eventually surprised that there will be one, and found out it was a competitive masterclass as one would have to submit a video and our profile. So I did, and prayed for a positive outcome.
When 2015 ushered in, I was greeted with the good news of my acceptance to the masterclass. And not just a one-day masterclass, it’s three days! AND not only that, there will be culminating performances of not one, but two concerts!
Which leads to the next feeling.
And of course, as all sorts of bubble thoughts run in my head. But the more I think about trepidation, the more I am determined to do my best.
Upon knowing the result of the auditions, the organizing group gathered us for a meeting to discuss about our pieces for the masterclass. Those with me are the active young classical singers in Manila.
Questions run in my thoughts. What was I doing there? Given that I have not been singing actively lately (my last was Rusalka), is my voice prepared? Will I be able to pull through my chosen pieces? The questions led me to the next feeling.
The masterclass is an opportunity for me to come back to the craft I really want to pursue. With the many hats I have worn the past five years, I know I will still go back to singing. I asked my mentor in college, Prof. Bechie Valeña, to have a session with her, just so I could have another ear listening while preparing for the masterclass. My teacher is one of the persons who kept pushing my spirits up especially when I somewhat forget that I trained as a classical singer. She told me my voice is (still) there, and that I should keep on singing.
What’s even humbling is that the masterclasses were given to us as a scholarship, thanks to the generous sponsors. That is why we really encourage you to support Ms. Miricioiu’s concert on March 6, to further the cause of supporting local classical artists.
I should focus on this gift that God so generously gave me (I only had voice lessons in college, but have been playing the piano since I was four).
It’s only days before the Masterclass. Madame Nelly has arrived in Manila the other day to prepare for her concert on Friday. Which makes me all the more excited (and nervous!). I am looking forward to watch her on Friday, to sing and learn from Ms. Nelly and the other singers on the Masterclass sessions, and to the culminating concert in the next two weekends. Yes, it’s such a blessing that we get to present what we will be learning from the Masterclass:

I hope you could also join us and complete the Nelly Miricioiu experience!
Nelly Miricioiu in concert
March 6, 2015, Friday, 8:00 PM, Meralco Theater
For tickets, call Ticketworld at 891-9999 or CAEO at 997-9483, 7827164, 0918-347-3027 or 0920-954-0053. Limited discounted tickets for students available via CAEO. You may also purchase online through Ticketworld at this link: https://www.ticketworld.com.ph/Online/NellyMiricioiu.
Nelly Miricioiu Voice Masterclass
March 9-11, 2015, 11:00AM-6:00PM
Ayala Museum, Makati
Free Admission (you may drop by anytime to observe)
Opera Gala
March 14 and 21, 2015, 7:00 PM
Ayala Museum, Makati
For tickets, call Ticketworld at 891-9999 or CAEO at 997-9483, 7827164, 0918-347-3027 or 0920-954-0053.