I love water, but swimming doesn’t love me!
Hmmm, did I say it right?
I love being in a pool, I can be on it especially when it’s summertime (for as long as it’s no more than four feet deep). I had several attempts in learning how to swim, but to no avail. Well, a little perhaps. Back in college, one of my choirmates “tried” to teach me for a whole week, in between rehearsal sessions. At the very least, I learned to float. That was it.
So I promised myself that I’d bring my child to swim lessons as early as possible. And this is the opportune time for my little girl to start. And doing this with no less than the decades-long trusted name in swim lessons, Bert Lozada Swim School.
Before the Holy Week break, mommy bloggers were invited by BLSS in their Summer Classes launch at our favourite pool place, Ace Water Spa in Pasig City.
Aside from the actual launch, we were given a chance (yes, both moms and kids!) to have a lesson with their very competent coaches.

The moms had no less than the company’s COO, Angelo Lozada, as our coach for the day.

Coach Angelo was a pedagogue, really. He made sure he knew each mom first before we even got in the water. We had our own personal concerns with the water. Some can swim, most cannot. Some fear submerging, others cannot float. So we got sorted into various groups (a la Harry Potter) and got to work on what we knew and what we wanted to achieve that session.
While we moms were pretty sure our kids were enjoying their lessons, we are dealing with our own swimming issues and concerns. We got through, and personally, I’d like to learn to swim because it is a life skill, as what BLSS has been stressing that whole afternoon. Plus, it might also save another life, who knows!
And everyone, too can have that safe and enjoyable summer because they know how to swim! BLSS offers programs from babies to adults, even for persons with special needs. They also train competitive swimmers and coaches. For whatever age and need, BLSS has that personalized touch to each student.
Visit their website to know the various programs they offer. They are in over 60 locations.
Their promise: At BLSS, everyone can swim!

Visit www.bertlozadaswimschool.com to learn more about their quality programs and locations.
~ Touringkitty
Photo credit: All event photos from BLSS.