
They say there are only two certain things in the world: death and taxes. However, by spinning the main point of this statement, you can add a different kind of facet to the equation.

It’s arguably safe to say that everyone wants to be happy; they are certain they want to be happy. Whether in little victories such as getting up early to beat the morning traffic in time for work, or grand accomplishments like living the classic rags-to-riches stories covered by the Independent.

In today’s world, almost everything is quantifiable. By seeing everything from a mathematical perspective, you can develop a logical point of view – even with the most inexplicable and unjustifiable of things like finding happiness.

There are basic scientific explanations when it comes to the aspect of momentary happiness. As a matter of fact, there are specific hormones and endorphins that trigger it. When thinking about the general idea of joy, you can’t really pinpoint the exact equation on how to be happy. You can, however, turn to a little area in mathematics that tackles various scenarios and its likelihood.

On the surface, the theory of probability seems like more suited to the confines of a casino, as you usually see poker players calculate the odds of hitting a winning card on the river based on Charles Bloom’s write up. In a nutshell, the subject focuses on making quick decisions when faced with limited information with a plethora of possible outcomes.

To put its rationale to good use, Pocketfruity presents simple teasers that should get you up to speed with probability theory. Now, to apply this concept in the subject of finding happiness, look no further than understanding the fear of not knowing.

This anxiety is somewhat worse than any negative outcome. One example of measuring happiness – or contentment – is through a psychological test, wherein a subject is given an option to get a mild electric shock now or later. This study, conceived from an earlier one written by Alan Bellows, saw that almost half of the participants opted to get the pain over with, rather than a 50% chance in the future.

Regardless of how bad or negative it is, it’s common for people to want certainty in their lives. Happiness comes in different forms, and a basic understanding of this lies in the aspect of love. For singles, they can do the math and determine the chances of finding an eligible partner. First, take a rough estimate of would-be lovers, then multiply it by the chances of compatibility, then divide it by the ratio of demand, before multiplying it by the unwanted chance of separation. Without going into the exact numbers, the chance of finding the right person is at a staggering 100 billion to one. But all these principles and concepts don’t mean a thing when confronted by destiny.

You have in your hands the limitless power to grab life by the horn and attain happiness in the process. The possibility of achieving this is equivalent to the determination and the belief you put in every time. Indeed, it’ll be difficult to constantly look for something without knowing what you’re actually looking for, but the truth is, happiness can arrive anywhere. You just have to be ready. You just have to be realistic.

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