It’s that time of the year when my daughter plays dress up. No, we’re not into the scary/spooky type, but Halloween for us is more of a costume party, that’s meant to be fun.
And that’s what we exactly did about two weeks ago. We kicked off the Halloween week with Active Fun’s Spooktacular Halloween Party. Huge thanks go to Active Fun for extending this invitation to Mommy Bloggers Philippines.
My daughter had only one character in mind: Joy of Inside Out. She already had that in mind ever since watching the movie last July.

She wore the same costume (but a different dress this time) for three more parties the following week (doing another post for those parties).
We were there really early! We didn’t want to catch the Friday weekend traffic which starts early afternoon.

Sadness won a prize for being best in costume! Her mom told me that they’ve been joining for a couple of years already, but this is the first time that they’ve actually won a costume prize, so they were really happy. And they should be, there were a lot of prizes in store for the winners!
I liked how Active Fun grouped the costume categories, understanding that not all kids and parents might be up to something spooky. We were at the cute costume category. There was also a category for little princes and princesses, for spooky costumes, and for families dressing up in sync.
First up was the Trick or Treatin’ within the building. Some building tenants gave away candies and treats for the kids.
And that included Mathemagis. Was I a psychic? I knew Teacher Cherry would be downstairs to give away treats! Teacher Cherry is Aria’s most favourite Mathemagis teacher. She loves her teacher so much, we even thought of transferring to Mathemagis BGC because Teacher Cherry was reassigned there early this year.

There was also a parade of costumes for the judges to see them, food and drinks, lots of giveaways, a magic show,
And Active Fun characters!

Thank you, Active Fun, for this really fun treat!
Stay tuned in the blog for the rest of the Halloweek events we attended. It was a busy one for the family! Hope you had a meaningful Hallowtide with your loved ones.
~ Touringkitty